Encapsulated drug products are the preferred dosage form by most consumers due to the smooth capsule appearance and typically smaller size of the product. Multi-phase, multi-compartmentalized capsules can enhance the therapeutic activity of a new pharmaceutical or biopharmaceutical compound and improve patient compliance or results of an existing marketed product. The delivery system can provide your sales and marketing teams with an attractive solution for industry problems.


  • Fewer pills to be administered.
  • Reduces number of drugs prescribed by Physician.
  • Reduces liability issues relating to prescribing Physician.
  • Drugs are administered in correct sequence.
  • Timing of regimen correctly adhered to by provider.
  • Greater consumer appeal.
  • Aid in drug identification and product differentiation.
  • Create positive psychological response through color and visual product appeal.
  • Simplicity of regimen reduces mistakes.
  • Smaller number of bottles to maintain.
  • Less odor and unacceptable taste.
  • Capsules are preferred dosage form by most patients.
  • Capsules are easier for most patients to swallow.
  • Non-Gelatin capsules.


Research suggests that incorrect patient compliance and administration of pharmaceuticals cause approximately 10% of patients to be hospitalized. As a result, healthcare costs are dramatically increased affecting patients, healthcare professionals and insurers. As the population ages there will be a greater stress on the healthcare system reducing compliance issues will be of greater importance.